Ghoulish Book Festival News

Vendor Applications Open for GHOULISH BOOK FESTIVAL 2025

In case you missed the news, our threats have turned into promises. The Ghoulish Book Festival will be returning for our fourth year. In 2025, it will fall on March 14 & 15—just Friday and Saturday, this time. Sundays can go to hell, we decided.

We have reserved the same venue from previous years, so GBF ’25 will once again occur in beautiful downtown San Antonio, TX.

Badges for the festival will go on sale in the next month or two, once we’ve finalized our contract with the local hotel, but until then folks interested in vendoring at the festival can apply right now. Here’s more info:

Table cost will be $100 for a HALF TABLE (4 ft. of space). Everyone (including small presses) will be required to split with another vendor that GBF pairs you with.

Vendor app acceptances will be curated so the convention sees a balanced mix of both new vendors and vendors from previous years.

Once accepted, you will have one (1) week to pay your table fee before forfeiting your reserved spot.

Every Vendor will receive one (1) complimentary badge. Vendors can still have helpers join them, but the helpers will not be given anything additional (like swag bags).

This application will close on Sunday, July 21 at 11:59pm CST. Decisions on accepted vendors will be made by Sunday, July 28.

Click HERE to apply to be a vendor at Ghoulish Book Festival ’25.

An alternative to having a vendor table for the entire weekend: We will also be hosting an author mass signing on Saturday night of the festival, and anyone who purchases a standard badge will be given the opportunity to sign up if they desire. The author mass signing will allow you to sell and sign books in the ballroom for one (1) hour. Standard badges will go on sale in September.

Max Booth III

Max Booth III is a writer, publisher, editor, podcaster, and indie bookstore owner. They are the author of numerous works, including I Believe in Mister Bones, Abnormal Statistics, Maggots Screaming!, Touch the Night, and many others too spooky to name here. Their novella, We Need to Do Something, was adapted into a feature film from their own screenplay and distributed by IFC Midnight in 2021 after debuting at the Tribeca Film Festival. They co-run Ghoulish Books, a publisher/bookstore hybrid, with their wife Lori Michelle Booth. Born and raised in Northwest Indiana, they now live in San Antonio, TX. Find their work at

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